One-time authorization

For any one-time or one-off transactions that require their own PAD/ACH agreement, you can use our online PAD/ACH form generator to create a one-time authorization template.

  1. Fill out all the required fields and as well as any other information you wish to fill in to create your authorization template.
    1. The blue fields are the ones that are required
    2. To use this as a template, we recommend leaving the customer information blank
  2. Then under the payment terms section, set the frequency to once.

  3. Finally, enter your email address at the bottom and select get my PDF to download your template. This will send a downloadable PDF of your authorization template to your email that you can either print off if you would like or you can send it off to your customer(s) to sign.

Important note: If you want to upload this agreement to your customer in Rotessa that each customer can only have one file uploaded at a time. If they already have an agreement or authorization uploaded, uploading a new file will overwrite their existing agreement or authorization.

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