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Written by Heather CE

Transaction limits

Daily customer limit

Every Rotessa account has a transaction limit, referred to as a Daily Customer Limit. This is based on a risk assessment of the account at the time of signup and limits the amount you can process per customer, per day.

There is no limit on the total amount of transactions you can process per day.

Limits typically begin in the range of $2,500 - $5,000 per customer, per day. Additional increases above this default limit are assessed on a case-by-case basis and can be requested by contacting [email protected].

Authorization limit

We have a setting that allows the customer to set a maximum authorization amount to be withdrawn from their account. This amount may be lower than the daily customer limit.

You can set this limit if your PAD agreement explicitly outlines a maximum amount to be withdrawn from a specific customer. Unless specified, no authorization limit will be selected.

You must have your customer’s permission to manually override this limit or to make any changes. If you proceed without permission, this is a violation of your customer’s authorization agreement and may lead to a dispute from your customer and/or the suspension of your Rotessa account.

Take note: In the United States the authorization amount limit is a requirement when collecting authorization requests.

Approved increased customer limit

If you require a special transaction limit for one or more specific customers, contact our support team. We can then assess and allow for an increase that would override the daily customer limit for that specific customer.

You can view all approved increased customer limits in the account settings of your Rotessa account.

Increasing transaction limits

Typically, we require a minimum of three months of processing history with Rotessa before we will consider raising your transaction limit.

Before requesting an increased limit for a specific customer, please ensure that the customer's signed authorization is uploaded to the customer in Rotessa.

If you have multiple Rotessa accounts, you may qualify for an initial limit increase. Contact support with the name of your primary account and we will make an assessment.

In some circumstances, we will assess for an early limit increase. Please contact us directly at [email protected] and we will review your case.
