Declined reasons

A transaction status of declined means that the transfer of funds was unsuccessful. Transactions can be declined for a variety of different reasons, some of which, come with a fee. The proper response to a declined transaction depends on the reason the transaction was declined.

If a transaction is declined after the settlement date, the decline is considered a chargeback decline in which the funds will be withdrawn from your account to be returned to the customer.

To see when a transaction was reported as declined, select the customer who's decline you are inquiring about and then select the declined transaction from the transaction history tab.

According to payments law, you can re-submit declined payments one time within 30 days of the process date.

Consult the following list to further understand the decline reason you have received in Rotessa, as well as the next steps in correcting the situation.

Account Closed

Why it happened: The customer has closed the account. Contact your customer to obtain new account information.

Next steps: Contact your customer to obtain new account information and update the information for your customer in Rotessa.

Account Frozen

Why it happened: The bank has frozen the account thereby disallowing debit withdrawals.

Next steps: Contact your customer to obtain new account information and update the information for your customer in Rotessa, or make other payment arrangements.

Agreement Terms Not Met

Why it happened: The withdrawal may not be in accordance with a PAD agreement or no agreement exists between the business and the customer.

Next steps: Make sure your customers are giving you permission to debit their accounts, then be sure you are only withdrawing money in accordance with the agreement you have with your customer. If you are, remind your customer of their signed agreement.

Rotessa fees: This includes a decline fee per declined transaction with the reason of Agreement Terms Not Met. Visit our pricing page for the current decline fee rate.

Currency/Account Mismatch

Why it happened: The currency or account is not in the correct country format.

Next steps: Contact your customer to obtain Canadian bank account information if your company is in Canada. If your company is in the US, contact your customer for their US bank account information. Update the information for your customer in Rotessa.

Incorrect Account Information

Why it happened: There is a discrepancy between the account numbers in Rotessa and the bank, or the account information does not exist.

Next steps: Contact your customer to verify their account information. Ask for a void cheque and verify the information on the void cheque and the information you have in Rotessa.

No Confirmation/Pre-Notification

Why it happened: The customer requested to be notified of the withdrawal by the business and was not notified.

Next steps: Contact your customer to discuss a notification period in accordance with your agreement and find a suitable time to reschedule the payment.

No Debit Allowed

Why it happened: There is a restriction on the account disallowing debits.

Next steps: Contact your customer to obtain new account information and update the customer information in Rotessa.

NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds/Insufficient funds)

Why it happened: Insufficient funds in the customer account.

Next steps: Contact your customer to ensure funds will be available, then schedule a one-time payment to make up for the missed payment.

Rotessa fees: This includes a decline fee per declined transaction with the reason of NSF. Visit our pricing page for the current decline fee rate.

Payment Stopped/Recalled

Why it happened: The customer has stopped the payment or asked the bank to recall the payment.

Next steps: Contact your customer to see why they requested a stopped payment.

Rotessa fees: This includes a decline fee per declined transaction with the reason of Payment Stopped/Recalled. Visit our pricing page for the current decline fee rate.

Payor/Payee Deceased

Why it happened: The customer has died, ending the PAD agreement.

Next steps: All future transactions for your customer should be deleted.

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