Transaction Status

What each status means

Future: Scheduled payments that have not been sent for processing. You can still modify or delete these transactions.

Sent to Bank: Transactions that have been sent to the bank and have not been processed yet. There is a brief window of time where a transaction may be stopped within the day, by emailing [email protected] before 4:30 p.m. CST. As outlined on our pricing page, this includes a decline fee. Visit our pricing page for the current decline fee rate.

Processed: Transactions that have been sent to the bank, have been processed, and cannot be modified or deleted. These transactions remain pending while the bank ensures the funds are legitimate/cleared and the account details are correct.

Approved: Payments that have been successfully processed and have been settled.

Chargebacks: Payments that have been declined after they were settled to your account. This is usually due to a dispute by the customer with their bank, and the bank has issued a request for the funds to be returned. Rotessa either debits chargebacks from your account or adjusts your next settlement to cover the chargeback. Too many chargebacks in your account can lead to suspension of the account.

Declined: Transactions that have been processed but got rejected, resulting in no funds being transferred. There are various reasons to get declined. According to payments law, you can re-submit declined payments one time within 30 days of the process date.

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